Singapore Polytechnic Open House 2018

Singapore Polytechnic Open House (SPOH), is an annual event that aims to help all newly Graduated “O”, “N” & “ITE” students seeking higher education, gain better understanding of themselves and what course in Singapore Polytechnic (SP) suits them. It is also a platform for potential students and parents to experience SP campus life & environment, such as the Co-Curricular Activities offered, sport facilities, and the various food courts. 

Over the course of three days, SP accumulated visitorship of approximately 30,000 people consisting of potential students and parents. Course counselling and career interest profiling aimed to help students find a diploma based on their interest. Shuttle bus services were offered for the public to get around the campus easily. 

The SPOH volunteer project team were tasked to formulate the shuttle bus routes, recruitment and training of volunteers, planning the layout of the Plaza, procurement of the goodie bags and organising the appreciation dinner for the volunteers.  As the project involves the different schools within SP, the team is also required to present findings and plans to the committee members to receive feedback.

Through this event, the students have learnt the importance of teamwork and communication. Overall, it was a challenging but enriching journey.

ABE Student Volunteers giving the Open House visitors a big SP welcome Student Volunteer Committee Team photo
ABE Student Volunteers giving the Open House visitors a big SP welcome SP School of Architecture & the Built Environment Student Volunteer Committee Team photo
A Group of happy Student Volunteers Daily morning briefing before all the action begins
A Group of happy Student Volunteers Daily morning briefing before all the action begins
Student Volunteers at work There is always time to take a pretty picture
Student Volunteers at work There is always time to take a pretty picture
SP Sustainability Matters