Yio Chu Kang Christmas Party 2018

Yio Chu Kang Christmas Party 2018 is a collaboration with the Youth Executive Committee (YEC) of Yio Chu Kang Community Club. The event aimed to bring joy to underprivileged children on Christmas by organising games, activities and performances. Families from all walks of lives were welcomed to join in the celebratory occasion, regardless of race or religion.

A team of Diploma in integrated Events & Project Management (DEPM) were involved in the event. Their roles involved coming up with the floor plan, planning the event flow which included the games and performances, designing the event poster and banner, etc. 

The team came up with four fun and exciting games, two sports games, two interactive booths and a photo booth. For the performances, Singapore Polytechnic (SP) Vocal Talents sang at the event. SP Theatre Comperes also put up an adorable Christmas-related skit for the children and there was also a magic show. Altogether, 29 volunteers, one photographer and one videographer from SP was recruited to assist in running the event.

All in all, the event was executed successfully and the clients were pleased with the overall programme flow. The student team was proud to be a part of the Christmas celebration as they were able to bring happiness to needy children. Seeing their smiles and happy faces throughout the event was what made this event meaningful to the team.

Volunteers at work before the event Participants getting hand painting
Volunteers at work before the event Participants getting hand painting
Participants in action at game booths Our volunteers enjoy themselves too!
Participants in action at game booths Our volunteers enjoy themselves too!
SP Sustainability Matters