Overseas Programmes

Our overseas programmes comprise cross-cultural trips, overseas leadership camps, service-learning projects and arts & sports programmes. They aim to provide participants with a global perspective and seeing the world as one interconnected place.  At its core, all the various programmes have two commonalities:
  • A basic understanding of the host country’s culture

  • Interaction with the locals

The overseas trips are held during the vacation period and each trip may have their own specific requirements (e.g. health or competency).  For most trips under this programme, SP would fund 50% of the cost.  There are also various financial schemes to help needy students to defray the cost of travelling.

Cross-cultural Programmes

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Our cross cultural programmes (inbound and outbound) are about understanding our own culture and being open to the culture of others.  It provides opportunities to establish friendships with students from a foreign institution and learning to appreciate the similarities and differences of each other’s culture and society.

Outbound programmes are usually 7 – 12 days and participants are required to undergo a short language familiarisation workshop.  Participants will get the opportunity to have homestays and experience first-hand the life of a student from the host country.

Participants of inbound programmes will get to host foreign students.


Overseas LEAP Experiential Learning Camps

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The LEAP Experiential Learning Camps under our Student Leadership Programme (LEAP) are conducted both locally and overseas for our student leaders. The camps are experiential in nature and learning is through both reflection and application. Participating in the camps allows our student leaders to experience being a team leader in complex environments and situations.

Read more about SP Student Leadership Programme (LEAP)


Overseas Service-Learning

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The Service-Learning programmes are mainly Youth Expedition Projects to Asian countries lasting from 7 to 12 days.  Projects that are undertaken are usually educational in nature or involve infrastructure building.  Such projects are usually long term and participants will be able to play a significant role in contributing towards the overall plan.

Participants will get opportunities to learn from the host community while performing their service.  There are also many opportunities for understanding each other’s cultures and developing ties with the local community.

Read more about our Service-Learning programmes.


Overseas Arts & Sports Programmes

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There are two distinct types of Arts & Sports overseas programmes. One involves performances and competitions while the other focuses on training camps and skills enrichment.

Overseas performances and competitions allow the student groups/teams to showcase their talent and pit their skills against foreign teams. Sports teams will also get the opportunity to undergo training and improve their skills in a foreign environment as well as experiencing different training methods and environment.

While the emphasis for both programmes are on countries around the region, groups have also ventured to countries like Australia and Hungary.

SP Sustainability Matters